Thursday, December 1, 2011

Majors Park Thanksgiving

Once upon a time, it was Thanksgiving Day. Carter, Penn, and Mommy decided to go on an adventure to Majors Park. We had seen a video of Uncle Colin's cousin on an adventure in Alaska, so we thought we could have our own fun! We dressed in our snowpants and warm clothes because it was a chilly morning. After we were all bundled up, we hopped in the car and drove right to Majors Park.

Carter and Penn straddled and climbed over the hanging chain, but Mommy just walked through the opening. Sometimes adults take the easy way and miss fun things to do like that!

We walked on the boardwalk and looked for our friend Senor Frog. We think he was buried in the mud for the winter. High up on some vines we saw wild grapes. Will they be a nice winter snack for the birds?

Soon after, we found a path that led off of the boardwalk. Carter and Mommy didn't agree on which way to go, but we finally decided to go on the muddy wet path. We found puddles that had iced over so we stopped and poked around. And Penn found a secret tree to climb under.

After we continued on we finally could see Cazenovia Creek. "It's a fun place to play," said Mommy, "but it is also a dangerous creek. It is muddy, and deep, and fast." We kept along on our adventure until we finally saw the crossing place. We walked over the culvert and into the special spot with the old bridge. We fished, and ate lunch, and relaxed. Every once in a while the sun would peek through and warm our faces. We stayed for a long time.

When we decided to leave, we crossed the culvert again and walked in the tall grass near the creek. All of a sudden, Penn cried, "Help, Mommy! I'm stuck!" Penn, and his boots were all stuck in the mud puddle, and we laughed as Mommy grabbed his boot and leg to rescue him.

We walked the gravel road back to the car and dragged sticks along the way stopping now and again to draw. Carter ran up ahead and waited for Penn and Mommy to catch up.

At the car, we carefully took off our muddy gear and climbed into our seats for the ride home to see Daddy. Who knows? We may have begun a Thanksgiving tradition. An adventure hike!